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In-Person Women's Pod, 9AM
Brighton Dam
Triadelphia Reservoir, 26 Brighton Dam Rd,
Brookeville, MD
Event Contact(s)
Pods Committee
Registration Info
Registration is required
Cancellation Policy:
If after registering, you find you are unable to attend, PLEASE CANCEL your registration using the "Cancel Registration" button on the event calendar listing. Doing this will notify the host not to expect you and open up your spot for another member's registration. Thank you.
50 Total Slots
50 Available Slot(s)
About this event
Please register for these events to receive locations for the meetup.
If you have any questions, please contact the Pods Committee at
The Women's Pod would be meeting on Thursday, May 2nd at 9 am. They'll be going to Brighton Dam. And they'll stop for lunch somewhere to be determined afterwards.